The edge data centre systems from SCHÄFER IT-Systems are flexible micro data centres built from prefabricated, modular units. Coordinated components such as the rack, cooling, uninterruptible power supply, power distribution, early fire detection, security and monitoring are provided as a compact cell solution in the shortest possible time.
SCHÄFER IT-Systems attaches great importance to performance, energy efficiency, flexibility and environmental friendliness. Our products from the in-house data centre brand iQdata offer you precisely these features.
Simple to complex cooling systems not only make your edge data centre energy-efficient. They also work in a cost-saving way with high-end technology, and are environmentally friendly at the same time.
Extensive flexibility lets you scale your edge data centre in situ as needed. If necessary, you can adjust your capacities during ongoing operation. Products from SCHÄFER IT-Systems are delivered within a few weeks and can be individually adapted to your requirements.
The infrastructure connections, such as electricity and air conditioning, are made on site after the modules have been assembled. We make sure that all components can communicate properly with each other. This way, you can expand your IT infrastructure without having to invest in a conventional data centre infrastructure.